Thursday, June 9, 2011

6-6-11 day 56

Today was mainly a driving day. We are making a push north and have a bit of driving. I decided that we split a 7 hour drive with overnight along the way in northern PA. We saw some beautiful PA countryside on the way. We had to stop for a few supplies at wallmart and even saw some amish women shopping there. Im not sure of the Amish rules, but there they were buying oreos and plants. We were even warned that they might be crossing the road to get to the parking lot.

The camp site we are staying at is right beside the "Pennsylvania Grand Canyon". Did you know they had one too? Neither did we. At least now when people ask us if we stopped at the grand canyon on our trip, we can tell them. "Hells to the yeah! (which is Jacks new favorite expression), the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon" We drive to Niagra Falls tomorrow.


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