Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today was so busy and fun that I am actually posting this tomorrow.

Oh wait... Yesterday was so fun I am posting today...
This morning Jordan and the kids hung out at the playground while I hid inside and nursed my allergies / cold that I am getting, and did the dishes. After Lucca and I took a nap while jack and Jordan went to the grocery store. When they got back we went to "our" beach. The tide was so low that we could walk out to two exposed sandbars that were a hundred or so yards from the actual beach.

Lola even took her first real swim. When she got to the island she was so excited. I have never seen her happier.

While we were out there Jordan spotted the herd of wild ponies that inhabits the barrier island. It was amazing to see! Jack was almost as excited as Jordan.

After coming back to camp, and the kids afternoon naps, we headed into Ocean City, Md. The city is actually built on a three mile barrier island and has a real boardwalk with tons of little food, ice-cream, candy, and trinket shops.

We've noticed here that a bunch of shops sell hermit crabs for pets, with custom painted shells. I've never seen that before.

The kids wanted to play on every play structure on the beach so we let them... Lucca even made a new friend.

There also was a carnival area with lots of rides and midway games. We first went through the mirror maze. Jack found his way pretty easily. Then we went on all the rides jack could. Including the big ferris wheel, the tugboat ride, and the spinning bears. Jack and Lucca both won toys at the games too.

Dinner consisted of hot pretzels, candied almonds, and ice cream. We couldn't justify getting more candy...

We got back to the trailer late and went straight to bed.

Location:Eagles Nest Rd,Berlin,Maryland

1 comment:

Sukki said...

Jordan that pic of you and Lucca is precious. That place looks amazing.. and a heard of ponies? who knew??? Looking at the pictures of the kids playing on the structures makes me think that even tho Jacks young I'm sure he'll remember this trip forever... everyday with his whole family and playing in every town!!? too awesome!