Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I was woken by Jack this morning with a special fathers day gift. A card with a real nice recording that he and Jordan had made.

Today we hung around the site most of the day. We had a picnic lunch, I wrestled with the kids, we did some Mimi cleaning. When the kids went for afternoon nap, I headed out to a nearby blockbuster and bought some movies. Sound of music, Mary Poppins, and Annie for the kids. In hindsight, im not so sure I am prepared to sit through all 3 musicals.

I was really excited because after nap we headed out to see Spearhead and Blue King Brown at the Portland waterfront. It was the first show at this new spot right by the harbor and we just happened to be in town at the right time. The show ended up being really fun. There were a bunch of other families there. Our kids had a blast!

Needless to say we were all very tired when we got back to camp. In fact we have been so tired from traveling the past few days that I am actually writing this post on the 21st.

Location:Portland, ME

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