Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So today starts 5 minutes after yesterdays post was posted. We were just about asleep when Mimi starts to shake from crazy wind. Paul remembers that we left a bunch of stuff outside so I run out to it anchor it all down. The wind is really intense and the thunder and lightning storm is still going strong. (Mimi is one of the lightest weight trailers you can get which is great for gas but not so good for rain and wind, so we hear every drop of rain and rock with the wind.) Paul decides to look at the weather and sees that there is a severe weather warning in effect for 60 mile an hour winds, quarter sized hail and intense lightning storms. Hmmmm, what to do? There is a hotel at the Rv park we are at so that is an option and the cinder block bathhouse is right next to the trailer. As the rain pounds harder and the lightning is striking all around us Paul is getting more and more nervous. He wants to go now and I don't want to go outside at all. After much debate and looking at numerous weather sites we decide to hold tight and agree that if the wind picks up we would leave and go to the hotel. After all it's not the rain and thunder that will harm us in Mimi it's the wind that could be dangerous. We are actually enjoying the sound of the rain and thunder (none of which woke the kids up) so I decide to go to sleep. Paul is still really worried (he keeps us safe) so he stays up until the storm passes around 3:30. Phew that was the worst storm either of us have ever been in.

When we awaken a few hours later we are a little tired to say the least. We decide to head to the zoo for a little bit, I got us tickets for a circus tonight. The zoo is really a nice one. They have really worked on creating beautiful walkways that continue the animals exhibits. Like out side of one of the bird areas there were "nest" holes on the wall with "eggs" laid there. And a dead wood antelope hanging in a tree outside the cheetah enclosure. They also had two baby elephants, which are always a favorite of ours. The cafe we ate at had some really good healthy food, the train was good and they had a carousel that only had animals they have at the zoo. A good zoo!

As soon as we left we the zoo both kids fell asleep so we....,You guessed it, drove while they slept. We did have to rush it a little so that we could get some food into them before we had to get to Circus Flora.

The Circus was good and everyone enjoyed it, but it has been a long day and we were all really tired. On the way home I decided to check the weather to see if we were in for another storm. Yep another severe storm warning but this time it was for a tornado! So with out hesitation we called a hotel and are now enjoying a very large suite at a Holiday Inn. We packed up some important things, gave Mimi a kiss goodbye and hoped that we will see her in the morning.

We were just watching the weather channel and saw some video of the arch (we are staying right next to it)and when the lightning struck you could see the beginnings of a tornado. So we are glad we are here and hope that mimi holds tight.

Location:St. Louis, MO


Anonymous said...

So glad you took a break for a couple nights at a hotel! Lucca's strawberry dress is adorable as is she - can wait to give her raspberries/strawberries on her neck and tummy. And I want some serious cuddling with Jack - hope he will want to, please ask him! Miss you all so much!! Babette

Sukki said...

Poor Mimi... she needed an underground storage facility!!! Hmmm places with tornados should have stalls for people with Mimis so you just pull in and lock the doors! :) Glad you guys are fine... kids first tornado...what did they think??!!!