Sunday, June 12, 2011


This morning started too early. Lucca woke up at five but luckily I got her back to until 8:30. After checking where we were actually going today we headed out on the Green Mountain drive that basically goes from the top of Vermont to the bottom right through the middle. It started out beautiful and empty. Nothing but green, green and greener. After a while we realized that it was going to be next to impossible to find a place to get some lunch because there was nothing around. Then I read that we would be passing by the Ben and Jerry's Factory. Ice cream for lunch it was to be. But then we came across an apple cider mill and stopped in. They had hotdogs cooked in apple cider so we settled on them for lunch.

After getting some cider and some Vermont maple syrup we headed to Ben and Jerry's. The tour was interesting. Did you know when they started out they traveled the country giving away ice cream from van. The van burnt to the ground right out side of Cincinnati! I have my ideas about how that happened. The flavor sample today was a new flavor, Late Night Snack. Jimmy Fallon helped create it. It is vanilla bean ice cream with a salted caramel swirl and chocolate covered potato chips. It is my new favorite flavor.

We still had about 2 hours to drive and after a long screaming fight and some bribing, Lucca finally fell asleep until we stopped for dinner.

And tonight is no different than another night. Bedtime.

Location:Green Mountains, VT

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