Sunday, May 8, 2011


The park we fell asleep in was worse in the daylight. Jordan woke up and wasn't feeling well, her stomach was bothering her and she hoped it would pass by the time we got to the Elephant sanctuary. We had a short drive to Riddles Elephant sanctuary it was off the beaten path, up a road that was safe for a turtle to cross in rush hour...literally we had to stop and pick up a turtle from the road so we wouldn't squish it. We also saw sevaral more turtles crossing the road on our way. We got lost and got help from a really nice man who let us turn around on his property. He also told us of an alternate route to get to Memphis, because recent flooding had closed many roads out of Arkansas. We finally found the sanctuary and fell in love with the property. This part of Arkansas is really beautiful, very green and parklike. Jordan wasn't feeling any better but we wandered the propety and checked out the animals anyhow.


Baby "Max" loved playing with his tire.

There were also donkeys that Jack got to pet.

After the sanctuary, Jordan was feeling worse and i was concerned for her health so we called 911 and got directions to the nearest hospital. About 30 miles later and a broken trailer step ( i hit a high curb and busted the thing) we got to the er. Jordan was there for several hours and after several tests, (for those who know her, she does not like giving up her blood) they let her go with no diagnosis and still a lot of pain. We decided to stay in a hotel and order pizza, while Jordan tried to get some rest.

Sorry for the recent lack of photos and posts. My camera lens broke in Oklahma and it has been a tiring few days and we haven't been up to posting at night. We should be more on top of it for the next while.

Location:Conway, Arkansas


Sukki said...

WHAT... Jordan are you feeling any better!? Scary to be so far from home and need to get to a hospital. Love the elephants.. i bet the kids were stoked! Please take care J and let us know when you're all better!

Sukki said...

AND Happy Mothers Day! I sent you a text but half the time I feel like you're on Mars therefore may not get reception!!! oxox