Monday, May 2, 2011

5-2-11 (day 21)

Everything is bigger in Texas. That's how they saying goes, and they are kind of right. Today was a day of Texas sized waiting, Texas sized laundry, and Texas sized dinner.

On the way into town yesterday, my car told me that it was time for it's 5k mile service. So I got up first thing and took it over to the Amarillo Toyota dealer and proceeded to wait for over two hours as they helped half the city of Amarillo and got to helping me... I was thankful that they made time to do my service, they also found a nail in my tire which could of been disastrous. All the while Jordan tried to simultaneously wrangle the kids and do all the laundry that had accumulated. All while corralled in Mimi, with nowhere to go. Some serious Texas sized crazy.
When I got back from the dealer we squeezed in some pool time and had a blast. Jack even jumped right in with is floaties on.
After that we headed on out to "The Big Texan" steakhouse. They are famous for a 72 ounce steak that, if eaten in under 1 hour, was free. I think the record holder did it in 9 minutes. Bleh. We each had a steak and shared a huge piece of chocolate cake. Lola was grateful that we had so much steak leftover. The camera only came out for "The Big Texan" so here goes.

For those who worry about know who you are...we might not have a way to post tomorrow night. So if you don't hear from us in a couple of days, don't worry. We will be alabaster cavern state park in nw Oklahoma.

Location:W Amarillo Blvd,Amarillo,United States

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