Sunday, May 1, 2011


I am writing this blog while eating ice cream. Another of the luxuries of camping with Mimi.

Today we didn't do too much. Breakfast, bike ride, some fishing, lots of hanging around, lots of chasing the kids around, some music playing, some trip planning, and mostly just relaxing. The kids took baths in a kiddie pool filled with creek water. I don't know if you can officially call them clean, but it is an improvement. As for Jordan and I...well...we are dirty and stinky. 4 nights of camping without really any water to speak of will do amazing things for your skin tone.

We are really going to miss this campsite. We are off to Taos tomorrow and then on to Texas and Oklahoma. Going to make a big push for the coast. Any suggestions for Oklahoma and Arkansas?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Jemez Springs, NM

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