Wednesday, July 13, 2011

7-11-11 Day 91

We managed to get out on the road at 9:00 this morning. After three months we have figured out how to get things done. Three months, THREE MONTHS! I can't believe how much we have seen, loved, driven, should have skipped, and been in such a small space. Some days we can tell that we have been on the road for three months and some it feels like we just left and have so much more we to see. We are ready to be done with this trip and are very anxious to figure out what we are doing next. Two weeks left and one of them is just in Sequim.

Ok back to the road... We drove a lot today, about 550 miles. It was pretty uneventful. The kids were ok to be in the car and we were able drive fast. We stopped at a rest stop and for dinner. We arrived at a beautiful national forest campground in Livingston, MT, Pine Creek. It was raining when we got here but within a few minutes it stopped and there was a beautiful full on double rainbow all the way across the sky. The long drive was worth it! We started a fire and let the kids stay up until after 10. Paul and I did some fire and star gazing before going to bed.

Location:The road between SD and Bozeman, MT

1 comment:

Sukki said...

OMG OMG OMG a double rainbow... WHAT DOES IT MEEEANNNN!?? hahah funny.

SERIOUSLY.. its been 3 months!!!??? it seems like a week and a year at the same time. so weird.

ugh.. i hope theres not ash all over your living room when you get home :( that was weird.. i swear all the soot, sut, sutt, soott came out of the chimney or something? odd!

i know we're ready for you guys to come back :)