Saturday, July 23, 2011


We needed to take it a little slower today. We still wanted to see some farms but also didn't want to get to overwhelmed. We went to a wonderful farm, Oilvers, that was so cute and nicely done. It was nice to see what can be done on a smaller sale. We couldn't stop thinking about Jardin Du Soliel. Next we stopped by Nelsons Duck Pond and Lavender Farm. The founder gave us a personal tour of the farm. He showed us how the pond was fed and let us feed the fish in the pond. He was really nice, he sold the farm to his daughter who had a cute farm store. We bought a hat that says "lavender... the other bud." and a Sequim bumper sticker for Mimi.

We had had enough of farms so we drove into Port Angeles, the city to the north of us. It was not at all what we expected. We thought it would be a cute town but no, it was (for you Santa Barbarians) like Lompoc. We did find a good Mexican restaurant Fiesta Jalisco.

After this went back to Mimi for an early bed.

Location:W Sequim Bay Rd,Sequim,United States

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