Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today was a mellow day. We went to IHOP for breakfast then went back to Mimi to play for a bit. Paul met with a mortgage broker to get that stuff all in order. The kids and I found another cool playground where Lola could also run around. We even met a mom, Angela, who was really friendly and had lots of good advice about schools and restaurants. She gave us her number and her husband is a carpenter in town who just started his own business so we will have to use him for all of our stuff when we move.

After lunch we packed up Mimi and the car to really leave tomorrow. She is clean and ready to go on vacation (without us!). We. Aren't sure when we will leave tomorrow because we may meet with the two employees at Jardin before we go.

We went to a great sushi restaurant, Wasabi, for dinner. We are so excited that there is a good sushi restaurant and the owners are really nice.

Back at Mimi the kids took their last bath in her for a long time and went to bed. It's sad that our trip is over but we are so happy that we found our new home and can leave feeling at ease with our decision and confident that no where else in this country is the right place for us. It's been a long exciting trip, one that I'm sure we will be talking about for many years. I am so glad we did this!

Off to bed to dream of my own bed. (and washing machine!)

Peace out Mimi. You are the best home away from home!

Location:Sequim, WA

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