Sunday, December 31, 2000


Another storm woke us up last night, luckily it blew through pretty quickly. Today we plan to pay attention to our least vocal traveling companion, Lola. She has patiently ridden in the back of the truck for days now with no complaints. We decided to head over to the Gateway Arch park grounds and just walk her and hang out with her today.

We got to the grounds and noticed there was a helicopter parked, that you could tour. On further investigation we found out that it was Marine week here at the grounds and the marines were set up everywhere showing of vehicles, aircraft, living spaces, etc.

They were pumping recruiting messages into the park and even had a place where you could play with machine guns. This was definitely not our cup of tea, and we nervously steered clear of the kids with guns.

Since we told Jack that he could go into the helicopter before we knew what was going on, we let him.

Then we headed out to enjoy a unoccupied part of the park. I took some more arch pictures and got some views of the Mississippi, and could see the start of flooding that was expected over the next few days.

We went back to Mimi for lunch, who by the way is basically in the parking lot of a casino across the Mississippi from the park. After naps for all we went to a nearby mall for dinner. But first we tried to eat at the casino buffet and were turned away because of their strict 21 over rule. So... Lucca was eating crayons at the pizza kitchen, gagged, and threw up all over the place. We managed to clean her up before anyone noticed, but then had to sit through dinner smelling her. Yuck.
Back at Mimi we put the kids to bed and listened to another storm blow through.

Location:St. Louis, MO